Jupiter Uranus Conjuct: expansion & revolution in the sign of the Bull
There can be major innovations, major discoveries, as well as just a distinctive period of growth and expansion where there's a sense of exploration and a sense of optimism about finding and discovering new things. ~ Chris Brennan
The upcoming April 20th alignment of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is a rare event that last occurred in 1941. Jupiter represents expansion, luck, and opportunity, while Uranus symbolizes innovation, revolution, and unpredictability. The conjunction of these planets signifies a time of significant change and upheaval, particularly in areas related to materiality, resources, and the physical world. This alignment is expected to bring about a period of revolution and transformation, challenging the status quo and leading to unexpected developments.
To find where the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your birth chart, you'll need to know your exact birth date, time, and place. Once you have this information, you can follow these steps:
Calculate Your Birth Chart: Input your birth date, time, and place HERE to generate your natal chart.
Identify the House: Look for the house in your birth chart where Taurus falls. Each house represents a different area of life, so the house where Taurus is located will show the area of life affected by the conjunction. For example, if Taurus is in your 7th house, the conjunction will impact your relationships and partnerships.
Find the Degrees: Check the degrees of Taurus in your chart to see if they align with the current Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degrees (around 16-18 degrees of Taurus). If they do, this indicates that the conjunction is directly impacting that house and the areas of life it represents.
Consider Aspects: Pay attention to any aspects that the conjunction makes to other planets in your chart. These aspects can provide further insights into how the conjunction will manifest in your life. For example, a conjunction that forms a square aspect to your natal Mars may indicate a period of conflict or tension in the area of life represented by that house.
Reflect on the House Meanings: Once you've identified the house where the conjunction is occurring, reflect on the traditional meanings of that house in astrology. Consider how the themes of that house may be amplified or disrupted by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and how you can best navigate this energy in that area of your life.
Read what to focus on according to your rising sign (the sign in the 1st House) by @Ellduclos .
By understanding where the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your birth chart, you can gain valuable insights into the specific areas of life that will be affected by this powerful astrological event.

Want to Learn more? These offerings that will go in depth on each topic giving you insight on steps to take for both the retrograde and navigating transits.
NICK LASKY, professional astrologer and Psychic is dedicated to helping others with his psychic abilities and insights as a professional astrologer, tarot reader, and teacher.
He is the founder of the Society of Awakening Souls at the University of Virginia and studies in a Mystery School of Ancient Wisdom.
Nick has the unique ability to fuse together his clairvoyance, astrology, and spiritual knowledge to give you an insightful, uplifting, and fun experience.
He has been sharing his astrology, tarot and spiritual teachings to students across the globe.